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it is used for cooking, almost all the nutrients are washed off the leaves. Even the leftovers are further lost to the cooking process: Thus leaving just a minute portion of its richness for our consumption.
Of course, bitter leaf has a bitter taste and it is true that most people can’t withstand it. But remember that the best of medicines comes with a bitter taste; and bitter leaf is ranked high among them.
From treating malaria, typhoid, diabetes, diarrhea, tuberculosis, gallstones and kidney disease, to the prevention of cancer and lowering of hypertension, the health benefits of bitter leaf goes on and on and on.
Read on to see some of the health benefits of this miraculous plant known as bitter leaf.
1)  Treat Insomnia
Insomnia is a condition that promotes habitual sleeplessness. And as funny as it may sound, there are a lot of people experiencing this condition. This group of people finds it impossible to sleep at night and no matter how hard they try, their effort is always met with wakefulness.
However, studies have shown that Bitter leaf extract has done wonders for those suffering from sleeplessness. Simply take two glasses of bitter leaf solution every night and you will experience a calmness that comes with relaxation and sleep. It cures Insomnia!
2) Bitter Leaf and Malaria/Fever
Through its anti-parasite and anti-bacteria properties it is often use for the curing of malaria and fevers.
And guess what?
It works PERFECTLY! It carries a large amount of natural quinine, which is said to help in this area of sickness relieve. The juice is to be taken 3 times a day for the cure of malaria and fever.  
3) Very Good for Fatigue
Bitter Leaf is also helpful in cases of Fatigue. Providing strength where there is none and relieving tiredness.
* A cup of bitter leaf juice a day, energizes you…o yes it does
4) Bitter Leaf and Breast Feeding Mothers
It has been reported that Bitter Leaf helps nursing mothers by aiding in the production of quality breast milk.
Thus nursing mothers should drink the juice to reap these particular benefits.
5) Bitter Leaf and Smokers
Incorporating Bitter Leaf in one’s life especially when one is a smoker is a good move since Bitter Leaf acts as a shield to pollutants arising from smoking and other atmospheric fumes.
6) Bitter Leaf and Metabolism
Bitter Leaf aids in the area of body weight by increasing the metabolic rate which in turn leads to increased fat lose. It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss. Take a cup of Bitter Leaf juice after eating because with it also comes as it also helps with digestion. This in turn helps fight bad cholesterol levels in the body.
7) It Enhances Fertility
Studies have shown that bitter leaf boosts the chances of pregnancy among women who are finding it difficult to conceive. And this because the detoxification power of bitter leaf helps prevent the pollution of the antibodies that fight diseases, initiate tissue repair and regeneration.
This is known to boost the fertility of the ovaries, significantly; as well as eliminating ovarian cyst and premature ovarian failure.
8) Bitter Leaf and STD
A bitter Leaf juice cures numerous forms of STD. With the ability to cure external manifestations of such STD’s by rubbing the areas with the Leaf paste.
9) Bitter Leaf and Diabetes
It is used for the prevention and containment of Diabetes. It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and great for diabetic patiens. It cleanses excessive sugar in the blood stream and that pretty much does the magic
10) Bitter and Detoxification
It is a known fact that Bitter Leaf is a detoxifier. This aids in the detoxification of the body. Taking a cup of  bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.
11) Treats Skin Infections
Are you suffering from a skin infection like ringworms, rashes, eczema, warts, ring worms, e.t.c.? Then be informed that Bitter Leaf through its antifungal and antibiotic properties. Can cure such ailments simply by applying the Bitter Leaf paste on the affected portion of the skin.  You’ll notice a change in few days. Don’t apply to open wounds.
12)  As a Worm Expeller
By boiling the washed roots and stalks, an infusion is made which is to be taken in the morning before meals.

13) Bitter Leaf and Pile
For both internal and external pile. The juice (mixing it with scent leaf) or just chewing both cures internal pile. External pile can be cured by placing the Bitter Leaf paste on it.
14) It relieves stomach ache
Almost everybody knows this because it is a well-known remedy for stomachaches. All you need do is to chew the tender stem of the plant like a chewing stick and swallow the bitterness and the ache will stop within few minutes.
An alternative is to pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted juice and drink. You will experience relief in no time.
15) It fights prostate cancer
Research has shown that prostate cancer is common among men who are over forty years old. And one of its known symptoms is difficult and painful urination. Bitter leaf, on the other hand, is very good for this ailment. It increases the flow of urine and reduces the pain, as well as regulates the spread of the cell.
To fight prostate cancer with bitter leaf, simply squeeze the fresh leaves in water and take a glassful four times daily while you constantly go for a checkup. You’ll urinate frequently, but don’t worry about that because it is part of the cleansing process.
16) It fights pneumonia
Pneumonia is a lung inflammation disease caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs (double pneumonia) and only one (single pneumonia) However, the miraculous plant is powerful enough to combat this condition and tackle it,
Squeeze the fresh leaves of the plant in water and take a glass-full thrice daily. Always remember to warm the solution on fire each time before drinking. Do not boil, just warm. And continue the medication for a month.
17) Bitter Leaf and Vitamins
Bitter Leaf is a store house of needed vitamins such as vitamin A, B1 and B2, C and E.

Ø One should not drink Bitter Leaf juice as it can lead to miscarriage.
Ø Too much drinking of Bitter Leaf juice can lead to iron deficiency in the body.
Ø Bitter leaf juice is used to contract the uterus after childbirth and therefore should not be taking during pregnancy or if you’re trying to conceive, because high intake might cause miscarriage.
Now that you have become aware of those Bitter Leaf Health Benefits, be wise to include the leafy greens on your plate or cup.

Bitter leaf juice on its own, is quite bitter and this taste might be a turn off for a lot of people. So to reduce the bitterness of the bitter leaf juice, simply blend it with spinach or Ugu (fluted pumpkin). If you still find it extremely bitter, then add some sweet fruit juices to it, such as pineapple, apples or oranges.
Dry bitter leaf is also potent, but has to be properly cleaned before use.

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