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KNOW YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (highlights of the digestive system)


-The digestive system is continuously building and replacing its cells and tissues, which continuously are sloughing off and dying.
-Serious digestion begins at the stomach.
-The healthy stomach has a pH between 1.5 and 3.
-The powerful hydrochloric acid secreted into the stomach is designed to soften the food we eat and to kill any germs it may contain.
-The reason why hydrochloric acid doesn’t eat a hole through our stomach is because our stomach has been lined with mucus, and the stomach lining is actually replaced every three days to ensure its strength and usefulness.
-Different foods take different length of time to digest.
-Starches stay in the stomach one to two hours.
-Proteins stay three to five hours.
-Fats stay more than five hours.
-Fiber helps to move food through the colon faster. Read More

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